It is always said that with aging comes wisdom and experience, but if you fail to take care of your physical health, it may also result in aches and back pain. With spinal aging, the person may experience back pain for different reasons. When we are older, we lose muscle tone, bone strength, and fluid that cushions vertebrae, resulting in back pain. The good news is that, with the help of simple back pain treatment methods, the person can get relief from the discomfort.
Let us understand the general causes of age-related back pain and the simple things you can do to ease the pain and discomfort.
Common Age-Related Back Pain Causes
- Degenerative Changes in Disks and Joints: This condition occurs in the spinal cord due to ageing when the intervertebral disc in the spine loses hydration and wears down. The loss of moisture in the disc reduces its capacity and makes it less effective as a shock absorber.
- Spinal Stenosis is a condition caused by the narrowing of the space around the spinal cord. The pressure exerted on this results in pain, numbness, and cramping in the lower back and neck. Ageing is one of the biggest reasons for spinal stenosis.
- Sciatica: It occurs due to compression of a nerve root in the lower back, affecting either side of the body. People with sciatica experience numbness, weakening affected leg, tingling, obesity, and limited movement.
Back Pain Treatment Methods To Ease Age-Related Pain
1. Stay Active
While moving towards ageing, it is essential to stay active. A sedentary lifestyle may result in back pain, which is common with ageing. If you cannot work out for a long time, at least walk for a few minutes every day and keep your spine healthy and pain-free.
2. Correct Your Posture
A little hunch in your shoulder or a small arch in your back may not cause pain in your 20s. However, with aging, incorrect posture causes stress on the spine, resulting in back pain. Always maintain good posture to avoid back pain with aging.
3. Start Physical Therapy
As you grow older, you start losing muscular strength and spine flexibility. To maintain muscle strength and flexibility, try specific exercises, stretches, and physical therapy, and keep your back healthy.
4. Watch Your Weight
Obesity or excess weight can strain your back, resulting in severe pain and discomfort. As you grow older, your muscles become weaker, and the excess weight contributes to age-related back pain. Maintain a healthy weight to prevent back discomfort.
5. Stretch and Strengthen
Adding stretching and muscle exercises to your workout routine can help strengthen your core muscles.
In conclusion, people who do not take care of their bodies at a young age suffer from different health issues. Back pain is among the most common problems people experience with ageing. Try these back pain treatment options or consult with spine specialists at top healthcare centers, like ANSSI Wellness, for non-surgical spinal decompression treatment and stay pain-free without surgery.