Debunking a Few Common Myths Around Clinical Trials

Debunking a Few Common Myths Around Clinical Trials

The clinical trials are meant for testing the new out of the box medicines for the safety and effectiveness. The medicines or vaccines introduced in the trials are completely new and not tested on humans before. This can trigger a lot of misconception around this topic. As of now, there are a lot of misconceptions and myths about clinical trials.

Due to these myths, the people are not willing to participate in the trials. The myths are directly affecting the participation rate in the trials and also causing hindrances in the progress. That’s why, we’ve decided to debunk a few common myths around clinical trials and provide appropriate information.

Clearing Myths Around Clinical Trials

#1 – The Clinical Trials are Unsafe

It’s quite understandable to know that people consider clinical trials unsafe. This myth arises due to the use of untested medicines and vaccines. Fortunately, the medicines and vaccines have already been tested on the animals. This means the medicines and vaccines are tested thoroughly, and the human trials are meant to identify the safe doses and effectiveness.

#2 – Researchers Provide Placebos

The researchers provide placebos to certain participant groups for the safety and effectiveness of the participants. Placebos are non-effective medicines that are provided to understand the psychological effects. People often think that everyone receives the placebo treatment, and they might not receive the latest treatment. This is done randomly, and the researchers never intentionally provide the placebo treatment, and this is a complete myth.

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#3 – Trial Participation is Expensive

People think that the trials are expensive and they have to cover all the costs. Also, they think that the insurance does not cover the trial medications. But that’s not true at all, as the clinical trials are funded by the sponsors. This means that the participants have to spend nothing on the trials. Only costs they might have to bear are the transportation or other minor costs.

#4 – They are only useful at End-of-Life

The common misconception is that the clinical trials are meant for the people who are at their end-of-life or suffering with untreatable diseases. But that’s not true at all. Even though there are a few trials meant for people with end-of-life support or rare dsieases, the majority of them are meant for normal diseases and disorders. This is quite a big misconception about trials, which is hampering the participant rate.

Final Words

Clinical trials are meant to better humanity by confirming the safety and effectiveness of medicines, vaccines, and even surgeries. These misconceptions make it difficult for the researchers to recruit the participants and conduct the trials. Fortunately, you must have got a better understanding of the trials. If you want to read more about the trials, then please read our blog at