Chemical Fertilizers used in Farming

Modern agriculture is thriving because of chemical fertilizers and they are being used all around the world. The crops grow better and provide a higher yield after the use of these chemical fertilizers. If you have a farm, then you must know about these fertilizers. If you want to know about them, then you are in the right place. In this post, you will learn everything about these fertilizers.

#1 – Nitrogen Fertilizers

Nitrogen fertilizers are essential for plant growth. They provide the nitrogen that plants need to produce proteins, which are vital for cell growth and repair. Urea is one of the most common nitrogen fertilizers. It is widely used because it is highly effective and cost-efficient.

Another popular nitrogen fertilizer is ammonium nitrate. It provides nitrogen in a form that plants can absorb quickly, promoting rapid growth. These fertilizers are considered Industrial Chemicals and have some sort of limitations on their usage in certain countries.

#2 – Phosphorus Fertilizers

Phosphorus is another key nutrient that plants need. It helps in the development of roots, flowers, and seeds. Superphosphate is a widely used phosphorus fertilizer. The phosphorus is essential for inhibiting the rapid plant growth in the new crops. Also, it helps with the strong root system, hence the plants can draw more water and nutrients from the soil.

#3 – Potassium Fertilizers

Potassium is another essential nutrient for plants as it helps regulate water uptake and enzyme activities. The Potash is one of the most commonly used Potassium fertilizers. It is commonly dissolved in the water and then provided to the plants for quick absorption. The best thing about Potassium fertilizers is that they improve the overall yield of the crops if paired with other micronutrients.

#4 – Micronutrient Fertilizers

Not just the Nitrogen, Potassium, and phosphorus, but the plants need a ton of other micronutrients like iron, zinc, manganese, and others. The micronutrient fertilizers contain these trace elements to provide complete nutrition to the crops. This is quite essential, as the crops can withstand extreme environmental stress, fight diseases, and also provide great yield. The majority of these are chelated micronutrient fertilizers, hence they are meant for slow-release for the entire crop season.

Final Words

The use of Chemical Fertilizers is criticized, but their higher yield, lower cost, and easy manufacturing process make them one of the most popular types of fertilizers. Farmers should use Chemicals in moderation to avoid damaging the farmland. If you are a farmer, then you must check out these fertilizers and provide nutrition to your crops to get great yields.